The AMA Tasmania Branch is acting to blend Visiting Medical Practitioner (VMP) and Rural Medical Practitioner (RMP) employment entitlements into one collective bargaining agreement. Our main objectives are achieving parity with your full-time public hospital doctor colleagues and better regulating your unpaid work. This page will keep you up to date and informed as we progress toward a new agreement. Only the AMA has the resources to work with the government to achieve a better deal for VMPs and RMPs.

Read our claim lodged with the government on behalf of VMP and RMP members after broad doctor consultation.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the online members meeting held on Wednesday 13 November. We are now pleased to inform you that the survey is available for your input. Your feedback is vital as we work towards reaching an agreement before Christmas.

Read our bargaining updates here - 

Send your questions, feedback, or comments about this bargaining process to

Members and non-member VMPs and RMPs are encouraged to circulate this page (via link) to colleagues and interested doctors. The more we support each other, the greater our opportunity to achieve gains for your community, your patients, and to create a more sustainable Tasmanian public health system and medical workforce.

Join AMA Tasmania Branch

AMA Tasmania Branch Bargaining Road Show (7 – 9 August 2024)

The AMA Tasmania Branch CEO and the AMA’s Senior Industrial Adviser recently travelled the state to explain the process and consult with VMPs and RMPs. They also met with our Member Bargaining Consultative Committee for their direction and with the government’s lead negotiator to map out a bargaining structure and agree to bargaining principles. This roadshow highlighted our dedication to member consultation, emphasising a bottom-up process driven by your input. Our CEO and the AMA Federal lead negotiator welcomed your views on workplace priorities, to help to shape our new RMP/VMP bargaining agenda.

we support you