State Council
- President - Dr. Michael Lumsden Steel
- Vice President - Dr. Helen McArdle
- Chief Executive Officer - Ms. Lara Giddings AO
- University Representative - Dr. Helen McArdle (acting)
- Salaried Doctor Representative (public) – Dr. Josh Power
- Salaried Doctor Representative (private) - vacant
- Rural Doctors Representative – Dr. Aaron Hawkins
- GP Council Representative - Dr. Christine Barstad
- Doctors in Training Representative - Dr. Louisa Morris
- Student Representative - Elizabeth Joseph
Northern Division Chair - Dr. Glenn Richardson
- Northern Division Representative - Dr. Jerome Muir Wilson
- Northern Division Representative - Dr. Arsalan Mahmud
- Northern Division Alternate – Dr. Stuart Day
- Northern Division Alternate – Dr. Andrew Jackson
Southern Division Chair - Dr. Fiona Beer
- Southern Division Representative - Dr. Clare Smith
- Southern Division Representative - Dr. Stephen Ayre
- Southern Division Representative - Dr. Meg Creely
- Southern Division Representative - Dr. Jane Tolman
- Southern Division Representative - Dr. Jitendra Jain
- Southern Division Alternate - Dr. Richard Benjamin
- Southern Division Alternate - Dr. John Saul
- Southern Division Alternate - Dr Fiona Beer
North West Division Chair – Dr. Brady Tassicker
- North West Division Representative – Dr. Frank O'Keeffe
- North West Division Alternate – Dr. Kim Dobromilsky
Tasmania By Laws
Following extensive consultation with our members in Tasmania and nationally, AMA Tasmania members voted in support of future proofing and agreed to close AMA Tasmania and transfer its assets to the Australian Medical Association on 31 May 2024.
Starting 1 June 2024, Tasmania commenced operating as a branch of the Australian Medical Association.
These new by-laws officially reflect those changes and establish it as a branch of the Association from that date.