Medical student


Medical student

AMA Queensland recognises that medical students are the future of medicine. We support you during your student years with free membership, and help you transition successfully through the early stages of your career and beyond.

We offer professional development programs, resources and careers advisory support to help you decide on your medical career path and gain the competitive edge.

Not a member? 

Join now  Download student form

Internship 101 - What you need to know

Intern Guide

The transition from medical student to intern is an exciting but challenging time. Explore the AMA Queensland Internship 101 Guide for internship tips and details about how AMA Queensland and other organisations can support you in your medical career.

Explore AMA Queensland Internship 101 Guides

AMA Queensland Committee of Doctors in Training

AMA Queensland Committee of Doctors in Training (CDT) is the peak advocacy group for junior doctors in Queensland. CDT representatives come from individual hospitals and medical schools.

Our CDT advocates for junior doctors' interests and hosts regular social and professional development events for students and doctors in training. As a junior doctor, you are encouraged to participate in CDT.

While the AMA Queensland Board and Council are here to represent and advocate for your views, CTD has been established to specifically represent student members.

If you would like to join or learn more information about the CDT, please email


An AMA Queensland membership give you opportunities to meet and socialise with other medical students, attend training forums, access mentoring programs and receive advice from leaders and influencers.

View our upcoming events


AMA Queensland represents you on the important issues that affect you now at university and during your future career in medicine. We lobby on behalf of our student members to secure funding for medical school placements, intern and speciality training positions as well as ensure the adequate provision of work and training placements for graduating students.

AMA Queensland Medical Schools Position Statement

Member benefits

Through our corporate partners, AMA Queensland offers a range of excellent commercial benefits and discounts to support you professionally and personally.

Learn more

Social media and the medical profession

social media

You've chosen to enter one of the world's most trusted professions - it's important to uphold that professionalism in your digital footprint as well as in your day-to-day interactions. Read this practical guide to medical professionalism so you can continue to enjoy the online world while maintaining professional standards.

The guide has been created by the federal Australian Medical Association Council of Doctors-in-Training, New Zealand Medical Association Doctors-in-Training Council, New Zealand Medical Students’ Association and Australian Medical Students’ Association.

Social media and the medical profession: a guide to online professionalism for medical practitioners and medical students

View guide

A guide to working abroad

A Guide to Working Abroad for Australian Medical Student and Junior Doctors contains everything that a travelling student or junior doctor needs to make their placement a success. It's filled with practical advice for all aspects of your oversee working adventure.

Guide to Working Abroad for Australian Medical Students and Junior Doctors

View guide

Why join AMA Queensland

Why join AMA Queensland