MenB vaccination encouraged as immunisation rates remain low
Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr John Gerrard has issued a reminder to service providers regarding the eligibility for free menB immunisation under the state-funded program.

Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr John Gerrard has issued a letter reminding service providers of the eligibility for free menB immunisation under the state-funded program.
Below is a brief overview of the letter.
As announced on 1 March 2024, Queensland is now funding the menB vaccine for the following groups:
- all infants and young children aged six weeks to 12 months
- children aged 12 months to less than two years are eligible for catch-up
- all adolescents at 15 to 19 years (inclusive)
- the Queensland School Immunisation Program offers menB to year 10 students
- all adolescents aged 15 to 19 years can also access this vaccine through primary care immunisation service providers
The Australian Immunisation Register data for Queensland indicates that:
- in the zero to two-year-old cohort, less than 66 per cent of children have been fully immunised, leaving approximately 40,000 eligible children unvaccinated
- in the 15 to 20-year-old cohort, just under 14 per cent have been immunised with approximately 386,000 eligible adolescents unvaccinated
Dr Gerrard asks that all service providers offer the vaccine to eligible children and adolescents at every opportunity.
The menB vaccine can be ordered at no cost from Queensland Health as part of routine fortnightly vaccine orders.
If you require any further information in relation to this matter, you can contact Immunisation Unit Director Mr Scott Brown on 07 3328 9701 or