
Membership Milestones celebrated

Every year AMA Queensland recognises dedicated doctors who have been members for decades with a special breakfast and certificate to mark their years of service.

Photo: Dr Nick Yim (right) congratulates 50 year members Drs Michael Williams and Ross Phillipson. 

It was an honour to host long-term AMA Queensland members and their families and friends at a special Membership Milestone Breakfast in Brisbane on 15 November.

This event celebrates doctors who have combined their care for the community with their passion for advocacy by joining and remaining as members of AMA Queensland for decades.

It was particularly special to acknowledge two members who have been with AMA Queensland for 50 years.

AMA Queensland is a member association. Our members are, and will always be, our most precious resource. We thank all of you for your support.

45 years

Dr Nick Yim (left) congratulates 45 year member Dr Thomas McEniery

40 years

Dr Nick Yim (right) congratulates 40 year members Drs Ross Stinton, Christopher Cunneen OAM, Terence (Terry) Coyne OAM, John Buckley and Michael Kennedy

35 years

Dr Nick Yim (right) congratulates 35 year members A/Profs Geoff Hawson and Simon Bowler and AMA Queensland Past President Dr Shaun Rudd

30 years Dr Nick Yim (left) congratulates 30 year members with Drs Meg Cairns and Janet Draper 

25 years

Dr Nick Yim (left) congratulates 25 year members Drs Jim Griffin, Sybil Kellner, Abbas Hussein and Petar Vujovic

20 years

Dr Nick Yim (left) congratulates 20 year members Drs David King, Sarah Coll, Su Mien Yeoh and Siaw Kang (Chris) Ho. 


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