2023 Resident Hospital Health Check launch webinar
How to join at 6pm Thursday:
- Zoom access link
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- Webinar ID: 814 3992 2335
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- +61 7 3185 3730
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- +61 8 7150 1149
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About the Resident Hospital Health Check
It's the most important survey you'll take as a doctor in training because your voice is heard by the profession and politicians alike.
Join your DiT colleagues from across Queensland at Thursday night's online launch of the 2023 Resident Hospital Health Check, ASMOFQ and AMA Queensland's annual survey that tracks how well each Queensland hospital support its junior doctors.
The webinar is hosted by CDT Chair Dr Elise Witter and CDT Industrial Relations Chair Dr Antony Ji.
Improve your workplace
Your anonymous voice makes a real difference - the data gathered through this annual survey have both informed employment agreement negotiations and provided the evidence base for systemic changes to improve the health and wellbeing of junior doctors.
The online launch will explain the Resident Hospital Health Check process and key issues it tracks including:
- access to annual leave
- hours of work and overtime
- wellbeing and workplace culture
- bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment
- residency priorities.
You'll also be briefed about the recently implemented Medical Officers' Certified Agreement No 6 (MOCA 6), negotiated on behalf of doctors by ASMOFQ including:
- wage increases, backpay timing and cost of living adjustment (COLA) increases
- changes in approval requirements for paid overtime for clinical scenarios no longer
- a suite of stronger fatigue provisions.
See the Resident Hospital Health Check results from previous years.