Practice manager

Practice Manager

As a practice manager, you have a complex, fast paced and rewarding role of managing the core functions of the clinic. There are times when you will need professional support from industry specialists. If you are a practice manager employed by an AMA Queensland member, you are able to access a range of professional services as part of their membership.

The Workplace Relations team supports hundreds of private practices throughout Queensland with day-to-day workplace operations. General advice provided to practice managers includes:

  • compliance with the Health Professionals & Support Services Award 2020, Nurses Award 2020, National Employment Standards and relevant legislation
  • establishing rates of pay for practice staff
  • termination and redundancies
  • long services leave support
  • Fair Work compliance
  • drafting policies and procedures.

The Workplace Relations team has also created a range of health industry specific employment documents and services that are available for purchase. These include:

  • employment contract templates for practice managers, reception staff and nurses
  • policy and procedures
  • long service leave calculations
  • award updates through our Workplace Relations News enewsletter
  • tailored practice manager training.

Practice Manager Affiliate

  • Practice managers can now personally connect with our organisation via our Practice Manager Affiliate. You will be able to use the post-nominal PMA of AMA Queensland, stay up-to-date with our monthly PMA newsletter.  

Download PMA sign up form


If you are a practice manager who wants to know more about the benefits of AMA Queensland membership, contact our Workplace Relations Team on 07 3872 2264 or via email on


Workplace Relations by AMA Queensland

Workplace Relations Services

AMA Queensland’s Workplace Relations Team offer a range of services for Private Practice in all areas of Workplace Compliance, Workplace Relations and Workplace Health and Safety throughout the Employment Lifecycle as below. The purpose of which is to give you an understanding of the journey employees will travel during their employment with you but also to give Practices an understanding of the processes involved in managing employees throughout their employment journey.

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WR Support

WR Support

AMA Queensland Workplace Relations Team offers general support via telephone and email to ensure you are not only compliant with Modern Awards and legal requirements, but are providing the best possible environment for your employees to be efficient and effective. This service is included within the cost of AMA Queensland membership. 

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WR Toolkit

WR Tootkit

The Workplace Relations Toolkit is a 12-month subscription where subscribers can access the most up-to-date resources and templates, manuals and newsletters created by our workplace relations specialists, with the medical industry in mind. 
Each of these resources can also be bought separately. 

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WR Tailored Services

WR Consultancy

The Workplace Relations Tailored Services provides individual and comprehensive advice on how to approach unique situations within private practice such as redundancy, closing a practice, opening a practice...

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