AMA Queensland 2022-23 Budget Submission

budget sub

Queensland’s pre-COVID-19 health system was stretched to its limits. Workforce shortages were already deepening and staff were fatigued. COVID-19 has forced the reshaping and reprioritising of health services, and among other impacts, Queenslanders who were already waiting too long for elective surgery are now waiting longer.

AMA Queensland has persistently advocated for action on these same issues for years. Each additional year without fundamental improvements in these areas leads to further entrenching of problems in the health system. Notwithstanding the compounding complexities of COVID-19, long-term shortcomings in health system planning have resulted in:

  • health system capacity, design and funding failing to keep pace with Queensland’s growing and ageing population
  • workforce shortages compounding workforce stress and fatigue
  • suboptimal technologies increasing inefficiency and administrative burden for end-users. 

The pressures, shortages, gaps and inequities in Queensland’s health system warrant immediate and dramatic action. Effective leadership, procedural innovation and appropriate investment are essential for ensuring that Queenslanders can access the medical care they deserve.

Five priority actions

AMA Queensland advocates for investment of more than $2.34 billion to deliver the following five priority actions in the 2022-23 Queensland State Budget. 
