Safe Space 7 for all doctors and medical students

Safe Space 7 for all Doctors and Medical Students



Event Date


Free event for all doctors and medical students in the ACT region

Saturday 7 September 2024

Optional Parkrun/Parkwalk  8am - 9am
Lake Burley Griffin, Pescott Lane, Weston Park, Yarralumla

Guest Speakers 10:30am - 1:30pm
AMA Federal Office, Level 1, 39 Brisbane Ave, Barton

Yoga and Drumming 1.30pm - 2.30pm
AMA Federal Office, Level 1, 39 Brisbane Ave, Barton


Register for your FREE ticket at Try Booking:


Safe Space 7

Saturday 7 September 2024 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Australian Medical Association (Federal Office)
39 Brisbane Ave, Level 1, Barton ACT 2600

About the Safe Space event series

Safe Space is an event series presented by Drs4Drs ACT and AMA ACT. Each event brings together a range of guest speakers from the medical profession to discuss topics themed on doctors' mental health and wellbeing.

Our seventh event in the series is open to all local doctors and medical students. You're invited to start the day with an optional Parkrun/Parkwalk at Lake Burley Griffin.  The day includes a Drs4Drs ACT update from our new Medical Director, Dr Marisa Magiros and a presentation about effective relational communication from Senior Psychologist, Vicki de Prazer. A light lunch will be provided followed by wellbeing activities drumming and yoga.

This is a free event for all doctors and medical students in the ACT region.

Places are limited so please register to secure your spot.


Register for your FREE ticket at Try Booking:


Safe Space 7 for all doctors and medical students