
Breaking down barriers for IMGs

Overseas trained doctors play a vital role in the sustainability of our workforce. A new AMA SA committee will help break down barriers for international medical graduates who choose to work in South Australia.

Across Australia, AMA has long called for appropriate resources, training, services and working conditions to ensure International Medical Graduates (IMGs) are able to thrive in Australia's medical profession.  

AMA SA is pleased to announce that it has now established its first IMG Committee, which will identify barriers of entry and establish support systems for IMGs entering and practising in South Australia.  

The Committee has several key objectives:  

  • Represent the views and interests of IMGs to the AMA SA Council and other relevant bodies 

  • Develop and recommend support systems to assist IMGs in navigating the licensing and accreditation processes 

  • Provide expert advice to the AMA SA Council on policy decisions impacting IMGs 

  • Create and disseminate educational resources to help IMGs understand the Australian healthcare system and professional expectations 

  • Facilitate networking and mentorship opportunities for IMGs with established medical professionals in South Australia 

  • Establish a feedback mechanism to continuously identify new challenges faced by IMGs and propose solutions 

  • Ensure collaboration with the Federal AMA IMG committee to ensure leveraging resources. 

The committee members include Simon Clark (chair), Dr Sarabjit Saggu, Dr Ayaz Aslam and Dr Abdullah Rana. AMA SA President Dr John Williams thanks them for their commitment to breaking down barriers for IMGs.  

AMA SA is also looking for a doctor in training to join the IMG committee to ensure the views of junior doctors are represented. You can find more information about this and other committee vacancies here.

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