About the AMA (SA)

Get to know the AMA (SA) - the peak professional body for doctors in South Australia.


About the AMA

The Australian Medical Association (South Australia) is the most influential voice on health matters for doctors, trainee doctors and the community in South Australia. The AMA (SA) brings doctors together to work towards better health outcomes for the community and promotes ethics, standards, and wellbeing in the medical profession.

The AMA (SA) advocates for its members in reviewing new policy, legislation, regulations and guidelines. It monitors performance in the state’s health system and challenges governments where necessary to improve outcomes for patients, doctors and trainees. It also leads the health policy debate with informed, expert medical commentary on health issues.

The AMA (SA) promotes ethical standards and safeguards the academic, professional and economic independence of doctors, and, particularly, the doctor/patient relationship. The AMA Code of Ethics provides fundamental principles to guide doctors in their professional conduct.


    The Australian Medical Association Limited (AMA) is governed by a Board of appointed representatives from each State and Territory, and the Council of Doctors in Training, together with the national President and the Vice President. The Federal Council sets the medical-political policy agenda.


    The primary objectives of the AMA, as set out in its Constitution, are to: 

    • Preserve, maintain, promote and advance the intellectual, philosophical, social, political, economic and legal interests of members; and
    • Promote the wellbeing of patients and take an active part in the promotion of health care programs for the benefit of the community and to participate in the resolution of major social and community health issues.

    Annual Reports

    Each year the AMA(SA) publishes Annual Reports for the information of its members. In recent years these have been published electronically, but members are welcome to request a hard copy version.

    The Annual Report provides information on the activities, advocacy and strategic initiatives of the AMA(SA) over the preceding year, as well as committee involvements, council movements, financial and audit reports.

    Read the latest reports: