Doctors-in-Training Committee
The AMA SA Doctors-in-Training Committee (AMA SA DiT Committee) aims to identify and act on matters affecting the professional and personal lives of junior doctor members. It makes recommendations on AMA SA policies and actions to improve the wellbeing of trainee doctors. The term “doctors-in-training” refers to Interns, Resident Medical Officers and Registrars, including those who are undertaking a postgraduate vocational training program leading to the award of a Fellowship from one of the medical Colleges. The AMA SA DiT Committee also considers matters affecting medical students who are associate members of the AMA SA via the medical student society representatives who sit on the committee.
Chair: Dr Hayden Cain
Road Safety Committee
The AMA SA Road Safety Committee (AMA SA RSC Committee) is tasked with identifying and acting on matters related to road safety, trauma, medical assessment for driving and providing road safety advocacy. The committee also considers matters involving injury and trauma associated with vehicle accidents on South Australian roads. The committee has links with the Royal Australasian College of Road Safety and the Royal Australian College of Surgeons SA.
Chair: Dr Monika Moy
Committee of General Practice
The AMA SA Committee of General Practice (AMA SA CGP) deals with matters affecting the professional and personal lives of General Practitioners (including GP trainees). The committee provides advice and makes recommendations to the AMA SA State Council on policy decisions, GP initiatives and reforms to promote
proper recognition, remuneration and integration of general practice.
Chair: Dr Bridget Sawyer
History Committee
The AMA SA History committee is tasked with preserving the history of the AMA SA for the benefit of the medical community and in the public interest.
Further information can be found at: