
New year goals: How AMA SA will deliver for you in 2025

2024 was a big year for AMA SA and our plans are even more ambitious in 2025. In his first President’s Update of the year, Dr John Williams provides an important update on our advocacy priorities and the exclusive professional benefits you receive as an AMA SA member.

Welcome to the first Pulse of 2025. I hope you and your loved ones had a relaxing break over the holidays. To those who worked, my sincere thanks for keeping our hospitals and vital health services running.

2024 was a busy and productive year for AMA SA. You can read a full list of our achievements here. With your support we achieved major successes including a new pay deal for rural GPs and GP registrars and significant payroll tax concessions unique to South Australia. We advocated on a broad range of issues which impact our members, including scope of practice, workplace culture and workforce sustainability. 

With a federal election fast approaching and a state election to follow in 2026 our advocacy on these issues and many more will continue with rigour.

Payroll tax

On payroll tax specifically, our work is far from over. Our CEO Nicole Sykes and I will continue to meet regularly with senior representatives from government, RevenueSA and RACGP. It’s vital we operate strategically and collaboratively with these groups, so we can influence legislation and decision-making in a way that leads to the best possible outcomes for all AMA SA members.

Payroll tax became a significant issue in the lead-up to Queensland’s October election and AMA Queensland successfully negotiated with both major parties to secure bipartisan support for a payroll tax exemption in general practice. The political landscape in South Australia is different, but it’s important to recognise the need to operate strategically as we chart our next steps.

Workplace culture

In the coming weeks we’ll publish our annual Hospital Health Check which highlights the bullying, racism and discrimination and challenging work conditions that junior doctors face in the state’s public hospitals. The Hospital Health Check allows AMA SA to make specific recommendations to SA Health to make workplaces safer for junior doctors.

Workforce sustainability

AMA SA has established a new IMG committee to break down barriers and establish support systems for overseas trained doctors in South Australia. 

Rural health

My rural tour – which is allowing me to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges facing my colleagues in regional areas – is set to resume soon. Murray Bridge, Victor Harbor, Port Pirie and Clare are first on my itinerary this year. For all the details head to our website – I’d love to see you there.


Being part of the AMA gives members access to a community of like-minded professionals. We have a big program of events lined up this year, offering doctors the chance to network and learn.

Keep an eye on our website for details about our Women in Leadership Breakfast and a whole host of educational and informational seminars including, Creating Wealth, Ready for Retirement, Mentoring and Finance for DiTs and Preparing for Private Practice.

We’re also excited to confirm that the AMA SA Gala Ball is making a return this year. It’s always a great night with good food, entertainment and company. Watch this space for more information.

Your profession, your voice

AMA SA is the only organisation that supports doctors in all specialties and at all career stages, from medical student to senior doctor. We’re uniquely placed to influence decision-makers and give you access to the professional networks and tools you need to successfully practise medicine.

If you’re no longer a member, please consider joining us to strengthen our voice and contribute to the health of our state. Our diverse membership is what gives us a ‘seat at the table’.

We look forward to working in with you to deliver better outcomes for you, your patients and the healthcare system in 2025.

Yours in good health,

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