JDC Fraser Coast

Junior Doctor Conference Fraser Coast 2025



Event Date



University of the Sunshine Coast - Fraser Coast Campus
The Fraser Coast is known for its lifestyle, liveability and location. It’s the home of World Heritage-listed natural gems, unique diving experiences, safe beaches and the number one place to watch humpback whales play. Come and see for yourself!
161-179 Old Maryborough Rd, Hervey Bay QLD 4655



Who should attend
  • Interns
  • Doctors in training
  • Medical students

Ticket inclusion
  • Exciting program curated by the AMA Queensland Committee of Doctors in Training
  • 1.5 day conference 
  • All catering: Saturday morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday
  • Saturday evening social function at Hervey Bay Boat Club, sponsored by Avant  


AMA Queensland member: $199
Non-member: $450 
Student member: $99

Not a member?    Join now


Have a question? 

Registration: registrations@amaq.com.au

Phone: 07 3872 2222

2025 JDC

Junior Doctor Conference Fraser Coast 2025

Join us on the Fraser Coast for this year’s Junior Doctor Conference and discover the professional and lifestyle opportunities awaiting you! Hear from inspiring doctors who have walked in your shoes, make friends and meet important contacts and enjoy the nightlife. You’ll leave the conference refreshed, inspired and ready to take on the world. 

The Conference Program will be created by the AMA Queensland Committee of Doctors in Training.

Register now

50 x free JDC conference packages - (value $450) - only a few left! 

Calling all junior doctors and medical students! We understand the financial constraints of starting your career, which is why we're thrilled to announce we have 50 x Junior Doctor Conference packages available thanks to the generous support from Fraser Coast Regional Council and UQ's Regional Training Hubs, valued at $450 each, covering your conference attendance, catering, a fantastic Saturday night social function and and coach transfers from Brisbane, Gold Coast or Sunshine coast return. The packages are valued at $450 each.
Please contact registrations@amaq.com.au if you need help. 

Read the terms and conditions below for sponsored delegates. Accommodation is not included in this package. We recommend the accommodation suggestions on our website or contact our travel partner Orbit World Travel for assistance: 07 5556 7200 or amaq@orbittravel.au.  

Coach transfers

When it comes to getting around Hervey Bay, we've got you covered. Timetable to be advised. We'll arranged a timetable of coach transfers between:

  • Gold Coast, Brisbane and Sunshine Coast to Hervey Bay and return
  • accommodation and conference
  • conference and social events.

Roster refund

If you register for this event, but are then rostered to work the weekend 17 and 18 May, we’ll provide a full refund. Please let us know as soon as you get your roster as we require seven days' notice of cancellations to meet our catering and venue obligations or to make the ticket available to your colleagues on a waitlist.


Platinum sponsors

University of Queensland Regional Training Hubs

Gold sponsors

Cutcher & Neale Accounting and Financial

St Stephens
Wide Bay HHS  

Bronze sponsors

Doctors health fund


Venue sponsors

Uni SC



Trade exhibitors
ADF Careers  Avant

Cutcher & Neale Accounting and Financial

MDA National


South West HHS  

Travel partner

Orbit World Travel

You’ve worked hard on your research project – let your peers know all about it! The 2025 Junior Doctor Conference Fraser Coast will provide attendees with the valuable opportunity to present their medical research, in a challenging and exciting forum. 

Submissions are now open for poster abstract!

Submissions close at 5pm AEST on 4 April 2025. Entrants will be notified of their acceptance by 17 April 2025.

Please note all accepted presenters are required to register for the conference.

Download Research Program information

Download Abstract Template

Questions and abstract submissions: events@amaq.com.au

BLUE CIRCLE: parking  
PURPLE CIRCLE: registration desk and lecture theatre: Building B 
ORANGE CIRCLE: breakout rooms and trade exhibitor area: Building C 

Map of UniSC Fraser Coast campus

If you would like to assist getting a delegate to the conference to experience what the Fraser Coast has to offer – cost is $800. Please email events@amaq.com.au for details and thank you for your support. 

We understand junior doctors and medical students have minimal income in the earlier years of their career. Therefore we have asked our exhibitors and local Fraser Coast organisations if they can assist by sponsoring a delegate there to experience what the Fraser Coast has to offer.

Fraser Coast Regional Council are sponsoring 25 junior doctors and medical students to attend the Junior Doctor Conference. This includes your one and half day conference, all catering over one and half days, Saturday night social function and coach transfers from Brisbane, Gold Coast or Sunshine coast return. The packages are valued at $450 each.

If you need help please email registrations@amaq.com.au

Terms and conditions

Delegates who register for and/or receive a complimentary conference package must agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • Sponsored delegates are required to attend all social functions in addition to the conference.
  • Please note accommodation not included in this package. Browse some suggestions below.
  • No-shows will incur a $150 cancellation fee. 
  • Delegates will not be charged a cancellation fee if they provide notification of cancellation 8 or more days prior to the conference opening. 
  • Delegates who provide 7 or fewer days notice of cancellation will incur a $150 cancellation fee, (delegates with Covid-19 will not be charged).
  • Delegates will not be charged a $150 cancellation fee if they arrange a replacement medical or nursing student or junior doctor to attend the conference.
  • If you register but later find out you are rostered at your workplace on these dates contact registrations@amaq.com.au to cancel your registration at no cost (try to do this 1 week or more before the conference).
  • Sponsored delegates are required to attend all social functions in addition to the conference.

Both of these options offer comfortable accommodation options located in the Urangan Marina precinct with easy access to cruise departures should any of your attendees wish to join a tour or just enjoy an afternoon overlooking the water.  

Mantra Hervey Bay

Address: Buccaneer Drive, Sandy Straits Marina, URANGAN
Website: mantra.com.au/queensland/fraser-coast/hervey-bay/accommodation/resorts/mantra-hervey-bay
Cost: Hotel room is $380 for 2 nights, 1 bedroom $450 and 2 bedroom $660 (subject to change)
Note: Variety of adjoining Cafés and Restaurants
Travel time from the accommodation to University Sunshine Coast is a 13 minute scenic drive along our waterfront esplanade.


Address: 627 Esplanade, URANGAN
Website: hramadaherveybay.com.au
Cost: Studio room from $300 for 2 nights (subject to change)
Note: Option for breakfast to be included through onsite restaurant
Travel time from the accommodation to University Sunshine Coast is a 13 minute scenic drive along our waterfront esplanade.

Riviera Resort 

Address: 385 Esplanade, Hervey Bay QLD 4655
Travel time from the accommodation to the conference venue is a 6 minute drive
Website: rivieraresort.com.au 
Cost: (subject to change)

  • 1 bedroom x 4 @ $165 per night x 2 =$330 each for 2 nights (1 Queen bed)
  • 2 bedroom/1 bathroom x 6 @ $222 per night x 2 = $444 each for 2 nights (1 Queen bed and 2 single beds x 5 and 2 Queen x 1) 
  • 2 bedroom/2 bathroom x 5 @ $238 per night x 2 = $476 each for 2 nights (1 queen bed and 2 single x 4 and 1 King and 2 single)
  • 3 bedroom/2 bathroom x 6 @ $330 per night x 2 = $660 each for 2 nights ( 2 Queen bed and 2 single x 5 and 1 Queen and 4 single x 1) 

Flashpackers Hervey Bay

Address: 195 Torquay Terrace, Torquay QLD 4655
450m from the coach pick up point to take you to the conference venue (complimentary transfers)
1 KM from Aquavue (Saturday night social event)
Website: flashpackersherveybay.com
Cost: from $52 for 2 nights 

AMA Queensland is committed to creating impactful events that are good for business and the planet.

Lanyards made from recycled plastic
This event will be using Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (RPET) lanyards sponsored by Wide Bay Hospital. RPET lanyards are an environmentally conscious alternative to traditional lanyards, as they are crafted from recycled plastic bottles. The resulting lanyards not only reduce the demand for virgin plastic materials but also contribute to waste reduction by giving a new life to plastic bottles that might otherwise end up in landfill or oceans. RPET lanyards exemplify sustainability in events and responsible manufacturing.

Would you go vegetarian for the day?
In 2025, we will be implementing a new strategy asking attendees in the registration process if they would like to go go vegetarian for the day to help lower our carbon footprint. Would you go vegetarian for a day?

  • 138 meat meals = 1 tonne of carton
  • 2,000 vegetarian meals = 1 tonne of carbon
  • 30 trees for 25 years = 1 tonne of carbon