Structure and Federal Council

Meet the representatives on Federal Council, the AMA’s main policy-making body.

AMA's Constitution

The AMA’s Constitution outlines how the AMA is structured and governed and its main activities. It also explains the roles, responsibilities and powers of the Board, directors, Federal Council, management, and members.  

At the AMA’s Annual General Meeting on 22 May 2024 members voted on changes to the Constitution. In total five resolutions to change the Constitution were passed with an overwhelming majority. Read a copy of the updated Constitution  

Read a message from AMA President Professor Steve Robson about the changes  


AMA Federal Council

The AMA Federal Council meets quarterly and is the AMA’s main policy-making body. It is a forum to identify and debate emerging issues of relevance to the membership. 

Learn more about AMA’s advocacy

The Federal Council’s primary role is to:

  • form the policy of the AMA
  • propose changes to existing policy; and  
  • elect representatives to roles and committees.   

Meet the AMA's Federal Councillors

Prof Stephen Robson
AMA President
Prof Stephen Robson


One of Australia’s most highly-qualified doctors, Professor Steve Robson has been practising medicine for 35 years.

A Professor at the Australian National University Medical School, Steve works in both public and private practice in Canberra.

He grew up in small regional towns in Queensland and was the first member of his family to attend university.

Before training as a specialist obstetrician and gynaecologist, Steve served as a Medical Officer in the Royal Australian Navy and has medals and a citation for war service.

Trained in Australia, the UK, and Canada, Steve is a Fellow of learned colleges in the UK and the US, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. He was also President of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 

In addition to these roles Steve currently works with the NHMRC and the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator and has been a part of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on out-of-pocket costs, the National Endometriosis Taskforce, and the Australian Medical Council. He is one of the authors of the Oxford Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and has authored more than 200 research papers and articles and two other textbooks.

Steve is passionate about equitable access to healthcare , the economics of preventive care, and the mental health and wellbeing of doctors. He holds two research doctorates and master’s degrees in public health and genetics. He is currently researching the effects of socioeconomics on access to healthcare. 

Steve is currently completing a Master’s degree in Health Economics. He is a member of the Economic Society of Australia, the Australian Health Economics Society, and the International Health Economics Association.

Professor Robson first joined the AMA in 1984 as a medical student in Queensland. He has served as ACT President and is in his fifth term on the AMA ACT Board and is a Federal Councillor. He has also been President of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 

Dr Danielle McMullen
AMA Vice President and President-elect
Dr Danielle McMullen

Dr Danielle McMullen is the Vice President of AMA and a GP in Townsville. She is the immediate past president of AMA NSW and has been involved with AMA at state and federal levels since 2011. She is a director of Drs4Drs, and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She was a member of the Commonwealth Strengthening Medicare Taskforce, and also provides expertise to the TGA Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling. Danielle has a strong interest in good governance processes and building member engagement with the AMA.

A/Prof Julian Rait
Vice President-elect
A/Prof Julian Rait
Dr Matt McConnell
Chair of Federal Council
Dr Matt McConnell
A/Prof Andrew C Miller
AMA Ltd Board Chair
A/Prof Andrew C Miller
AMA Ltd Board Representative
Dr Anju Aggarwal
Practice Group of General Practitioners Representative (elected)
Dr Anju Aggarwal
Practice Group of General Practitioners Representative (appointed)
To be appointed
Dr Ian Kamerman
Practice Group of Rural Doctors Representative (elected)
Dr Ian Kamerman
Practice Group of Rural Doctors Representative (appointed)
To be appointed
Dr Sanjay Hettige
Practice Group of Doctors in Training Representative (elected)
Dr Sanjay Hettige
Practice Group of Doctors in Training Representative (appointed)
To be appointed
Dr Katherine Tan
Practice Group of Public Hospital Doctors Representative
Dr Katherine Tan
Dr Sarah Coll
Practice Group of Private Specialist Practice Representative
Dr Sarah Coll
Dr Girish Palnitkar
Anaesthetists Speciality Group Representative
Dr Girish Palnitkar
Dr Chris Baker
Dermatologists Speciality Group Representative
Dr Chris Baker
Dr Sarah Whitelaw
Emergency Physicians Speciality Group Representative
Dr Sarah Whitelaw
A/Prof Gregory Duncombe
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Speciality Group Representative
A/Prof Gregory Duncombe
Dr Peter Sumich
Ophthalmologists Speciality Group Representative
Dr Peter Sumich
Prof Edward (Ted) Mah
Orthopaedic Surgeons Speciality Group Representative
Prof Edward (Ted) Mah
Dr Clair Pridmore
Paediatricians Speciality Group Representative
Dr Clair Pridmore
A/Prof Daniel Owens
Pathologist Speciality Group Representative
A/Prof Daniel Owens
Prof Christian Gericke
Physician Speciality Group Representative
Prof Christian Gericke
Dr Michelle Atchison
Psychiatrists Speciality Group Representative
Dr Michelle Atchison
Dr Xavier Yu
Radiologists Speciality Group Representative
Dr Xavier Yu
Dr William Blake
Surgeons Speciality Group Representative
Dr William Blake
Dr Jasmine Davis
Ordinary Member
Dr Jasmine Davis
Dr Ekta Paw
Ordinary Member
Dr Ekta Paw
Dr Robert Harry Hemley
Ordinary Member
Dr Robert Harry Hemley
Bronwyn Fagan
Independent Member
Ms Bronwyn Fagan
Dr Kerrie Aust
ACT State Nominee
Dr Kerrie Aust
Dr Michael Bonning
NSW State Nominee
Dr Michael Bonning
Dr Bernard Westley
NT State Nominee
Dr Bernard Westley
Dr Nick Yim
QLD State Nominee
Dr Nick Yim
Dr John Williams
SA State Nominee
Dr John Williams
Dr Michael Lumsden-Steel
TAS State Nominee
Dr Michael Lumsden-Steel
Dr Jill Tomlinson
VIC State Nominee
Dr Jill Tomlinson
Dr Simone Raye
Australian Indigenous Doctors Association
Dr Simone Raye
Mr Allen Xiao
Australian Medical Students Association
Mr Allen Xiao

Tasmania By Laws

Following extensive consultation with our members in Tasmania and nationally, AMA Tasmania members voted in support of future proofing and agreed to close AMA Tasmania and transfer its assets to the Australian Medical Association on 31 May 2024.

Starting 1 June 2024, Tasmania commenced operating as a branch of the Australian Medical Association.

These new by-laws officially reflect those changes and establish it as a branch of the Association from that date.

Tasmania By Laws

AMA state and territory organisations

The AMA is a federation and doctors in local states and territories play a key role in creating our policies.

State and territory AMA's are dedicated to providing members with representation on a variety of medical issues, professional services and commercial benefits.

 Find contact details for your local AMA