
Check SHS uploads

General practices registered for the eHealth Incentive may want to check that the Shared Health Summaries (SHS) they have uploaded are in the My Health Record system.

It has been brought to the AMA’s attention that some practices participating in the eHealth Incentive under the Practice Incentives Program were until recently unaware that their SHS had not actually made it to the My Health Record system. In one case only a fraction of the SHS to be uploaded actually made it through at any one time, in another, software incompatibility issues prevented any from being uploaded.

If practices are in doubt they may want to randomly check the My Health Record of patients they uploaded a SHS for to check they were received.

Some of the problems experienced to date have involved out of date digital certificates, software incompatibilities, trickle uploading of SHS batched for bulk uploading, and unstable internet connections. It is understood that known “glitches” in software products have been resolved but should an issue be identified practices should consult their provider immediately. You may also wish to contact the Australian Digital Health Agency if the issue can’t be resolved by the software provider 1300 901 001.

Practices who experienced issues outside their control, which prevented them from meeting the requirements of the incentive, may qualify for an exemption and should contact the Department of Human Services on 1800 222 032 or to discuss.

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