AMA's Constitution
The AMA’s Constitution outlines how the AMA is structured and governed and its main activities. It also explains the roles, responsibilities and powers of the Board, directors, Federal Council, management, and members.
At the AMA’s Annual General Meeting on 22 May 2024 members voted on changes to the Constitution. In total five resolutions to change the Constitution were passed with an overwhelming majority. Read a copy of the updated Constitution
Read a message from AMA President Professor Steve Robson about the changes
AMA Federal Council
The AMA Federal Council meets quarterly and is the AMA’s main policy-making body. It is a forum to identify and debate emerging issues of relevance to the membership.
Learn more about AMA’s advocacy
The Federal Council’s primary role is to:
- form the policy of the AMA
- propose changes to existing policy; and
- elect representatives to roles and committees.
Meet the AMA's Federal Councillors

Dr Danielle McMullen is the Vice President of AMA and a GP in Townsville. She is the immediate past president of AMA NSW and has been involved with AMA at state and federal levels since 2011. She is a director of Drs4Drs, and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She was a member of the Commonwealth Strengthening Medicare Taskforce, and also provides expertise to the TGA Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling. Danielle has a strong interest in good governance processes and building member engagement with the AMA.

Tasmania By Laws
Following extensive consultation with our members in Tasmania and nationally, AMA Tasmania members voted in support of future proofing and agreed to close AMA Tasmania and transfer its assets to the Australian Medical Association on 31 May 2024.
Starting 1 June 2024, Tasmania commenced operating as a branch of the Australian Medical Association.
These new by-laws officially reflect those changes and establish it as a branch of the Association from that date.
AMA state and territory organisations
The AMA is a federation and doctors in local states and territories play a key role in creating our policies.
State and territory AMA's are dedicated to providing members with representation on a variety of medical issues, professional services and commercial benefits.