The AMA is urging members to vote yes at the AMA’s Annual General Meeting on 22 May.
A yes vote will secure Tasmania's place in a stronger, united AMA — reinforcing the AMA’s position as the peak medical body in Australia.
Ninety six per cent of members in Tasmania who participated in a plebescite voted for this change and it has the very strong backing of the AMA Tasmania Board.
But ultimately, this decision lies with you, our valued AMA members.
Read our web page about the proposed changes or send in questions by emailing
This webinar will discuss the changes at 7pm (AEST) on 15 May.
We are using an electronic system called ElectionBuddy, which sends out SMS and email prompts in the period leading up to the 20 May deadline to register to submit a proxy.
You can complete and submit proxy forms using ElectionBuddy, or via the online form available on our AGM web page which includes links to relevant documents and more details about the AGM.