AMA Submission in response to Primary Health Reform Steering Group Draft Recommendations
The AMA has broadly welcomed the Primary Health Reform Steering Group’s (PHRSG) Draft Recommendations.
The AMA has broadly welcomed the Primary Health Reform Steering Group’s (PHRSG) Draft Recommendations.
When finalised these will support the development of the Government's Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan. The recommendations, reflect much of the AMA's 10 Year Framework for Primary Care Reform, with focus on the reform of funding arrangements for general practice as part of efforts to improve and strengthen primary care.
The AMA, in its response, has again called on the Government to invest in general practice and to put in place a GP-led governance structure to oversee the implementation of any reform agenda.
Funding for general practice from the Commonwealth must be increased to at least 16% of its annual health expenditure, with improved and flexible funding arrangements supporting general practice as it strives to provide timely, accessible, affordable, and comprehensive patient care, working in collaboration with non GP specialists, other health professions and local health services.