
AMA submission to National Health Performance Authority (NHPA) Strategic Plan 2012-2015

The AMA has a strong and direct interest in performance of the health system. It proposes that NHPA's Strategic Plan should more explicitly focus on how NHPA will work with its stakeholders. This should include implementing a process to provide comparative information to 'source' health care organsiations prior to public release, and minimising the cost of data collection and reporting. The Strategic Plan should include broad timeframes and bring forward work on teaching, training and research,and waiting lists for elective surgery. Performance monitoring should also focus on key on the ground issues related to capacity, access and sustainable delivery of services.  

The AMA has a strong and direct interest in performance of the health system. It proposes that NHPA's Strategic Plan should more explicitly focus on how NHPA will work with its stakeholders. This should include implementing a process to provide comparative information to 'source' health care organsiations prior to public release, and minimising the cost of data collection and reporting. The Strategic Plan should include broad timeframes and bring forward work on teaching, training and research,and waiting lists for elective surgery. Performance monitoring should also focus on key on the ground issues related to capacity, access and sustainable delivery of services.  

Read the AMA submission in full here.

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