AMA submission to the independent review of the regulation of podiatric surgeons: consultation paper
The AMA’s submission to the independent review of podiatric surgery calls for podiatrists to no longer be able to use the title ‘surgeon’.

The AMA’s submission to the independent review of podiatric surgery calls for podiatrists to no longer be able to use the title ‘surgeon’. This will improve protections for the public and be consistent with health practitioner regulation in Australia. Podiatric surgery is the only form of human medical treatment where a person other than a doctor can take a scalpel and cut into a patient. Not only are they able to cut into a patient, a Podiatric Surgeon with no formal medical degree or surgical training (Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons - FRACS or equivalent) can then operate on bones, tendons, joints and undertake internal fixation with screws for example. They can even do joint replacements (on a human).