
AMA Diversity Report - Gender 2023

Equity and diversity in leadership is important. It leads to improved and more equitable health, social justice and healthcare outcomes, a more empowered workforce, improved motivation, reduced attrition, improved quality of care, and organisational performance (1, 2).

The AMA is committed to achieving gender equity in its leadership and representative structures and has been reporting on gender diversity since 2019 in line with a commitment to achieve a target of 40 per cent women, 40 per cent men, 20 per cent flexible for all federal AMA councils and  committees, with a gender diversity target of women holding 50 per cent of federal AMA representative positions overall.  

In December 2021, AMA Federal Council reaffirmed its commitment to achieving its gender targets with a revised time frame for attainment of 2024.   

The AMA’s sixth Diversity Report provides a snapshot of gender representation on federal AMA councils and committees as of 31 December 2023. It includes data for the federal AMA Board which also chose to report. The report also includes information on gender equity initiatives at a federal and state and territory level in 2023. 

1. World Health Organization. Delivered by women, led by men: a gender and equity analysis of the global health and social workforce. Geneva, 2019.
2. Cassells R, Duncan A. Gender equity insights 2020: Delivering the business outcomes. BCEC. WGEA Gender Equity Series, Issue No 5. Mar 2020.

Find out more about equity, inclusion and diversity at the AMA here.

AMA Diversity Report - Gender 2022

AMA Diversity Report - Gender 2021

AMA Diversity Report - Gender 2020

AMA Diversity Report - Gender 2019

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