Have your say: Scope of Practice Issues Paper 2
AMA members are invited to participate in a survey on the Scope of Practice Issues Paper.

The AMA is extremely disappointed and concerned by the absence of any reference to general practice in Issues Paper 2 of the Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce Scope of Practice Review (the Review).
Our strong view is that the Review must build on the recommendations from the Strengthening Medicare Review and My Medicare implementation, with clear mechanisms to ensure strong clinical governance and patient safety, while improving access to patient centred, GP led, multi-disciplinary team care.
The AMA has had several meetings with the Department of Health and Aged Care to express concern about proposed options for reform, particularly those related to Medicare access and direct referrals, and we will continue to take a strong stand on these matters.
Read our summary of the eight options for reform proposed by the Review
We’d like to hear what you think about the proposed options for reform.