
AMA Submission on the second stage of reforms to the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme

The AMA has lodged a submission to the COAG Health Council in response to the consultation paper, Regulation of Australia's health professions: keeping the National Law up to date and fit for purpose. The AMA is deeply disappointed that the opportunity to really evaluate the effectiveness of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) has been squandered. The consultation document provided has not sought to analyse the effectiveness of the scheme. The AMA has grave concerns that, if implemented, many of the proposals would have a significant negative detrimental effect on the scheme as it currently operates and on a practitioner’s career and well-being.

However, the AMA has always supported increased transparency and efficiency throughout the notifications processes since the NRAS was established. Responding to demands for documentation is time-consuming and can be stressful when the practitioner is not confident that they are appropriately satisfying the demand. There are some proposals in the consultation document that would make the current system more efficient and workable (including some proposed by the AMA) and we welcome the consideration and introduction of these amendments.