A young woman doctor stands in the foyer of a busy hospital. Her arms are folded and she is smiling.

Council of Doctors in Training Meeting



Event Date


Council of Doctors in Training Meeting

WHEN: 6:30pm, Wednesday 17 May

WHERE: Australian Medical Association, Level 1, 39 Brisbane Avenue, Barton ACT

RSVP: Please RSVP by 25 May via email to reception@ama-act.com.au

Light dinner provided.

To support doctors in training, the AMA provides tools, information, and resources to assist doctors in training in their professional and business lives.  Doctors in training (DiTs) have a say in the work of the AMA through the AMA Council of Doctors in Training (CDT). CDT represents the views and concerns of the AMA’s doctors in training members regarding professional and workplace issues. CDT reviews and develops policy on the implications for doctors in training of legislation and government policies.

The AMACDT has representatives from all State and Territory AMAs and meets regularly to discuss issues that affect DiTs across Australia, from internship to fellowship.

The CDT will be meeting on Wednesday 17 May at the ACT AMA office. Light dinner will be provided.

Please RSVP by 25 May via email to reception@ama-act.com.au