Return of Coalition Government
The AMA congratulates Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Coalition on winning the weekend election and earning a third term in Government.
AMA President, Dr Tony Bartone, said today that the AMA stands ready to work with the Government to strengthen the Australian health system and set it up to meet the needs of our growing and ageing population.
“There is a lot of unfinished business in the Coalition’s health reform agenda to be completed. We cannot stand still,” Dr Bartone said.
“The Government made it clear in the Budget that primary care and general practice will be a priority, and we welcome that.
“The private health insurance reforms need to be bedded down, and the integrity of the private health system and its symbiotic balance with public hospitals needs to be supported and maintained.
“The outcomes of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Review need further consultation with the medical profession.
“The policy priorities highlighted in the AMA’s Key Health Issues document for the election remain our policy priorities.
“We look forward to working closely with the Government on its health agenda for the next three years.
“The AMA hopes that Prime Minister Scott Morrison keeps Greg Hunt as Health Minister and Ken Wyatt as Indigenous Health Minister. They are fully across their complex portfolios and the AMA has strong links with their offices and departments.
“There is plenty to do. There are clear consultative processes in place to ensure we can get straight back to the business of investing in the health of all Australians,” Dr Bartone said.
Dr Bartone acknowledged the significantly bold health platform put forward by Bill Shorten and Shadow Health Minister, Catherine King, at the election, and offered commiserations to them on the election outcome.
“Bill Shorten was consultative and constructive in our dealings with the Opposition, and the AMA wishes him well following his decision to stand down as Labor leader.”
20 May 2019
CONTACT: John Flannery 02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761
Maria Hawthorne 02 6270 5478 / 0427 209 753