
AMA Position Statement on the Relationship Between Doctors and the Pharmaceutical Industry

The AMA today released its revised position statement on doctors' relationships with the pharmaceutical industry. Concerns have been raised that sometimes doctors' behaviour and their prescribing decisions may have reflected successful marketing, rather than patient interest.

 "The AMA's set of principles has always clearly stated that any decisions relating to prescription pharmaceuticals must be evidence-based and made in the best interests of the patient," said Dr Trevor Mudge, Vice President of the AMA.

"While the AMA respects and values other organisations' efforts to codify these principles, we avoid being overly procsciptive and respect physician autonomy and professional independence.

"We welcome the broad directions of Medicines Australia's major revisions of its code of conduct approved today and we believe that they will assist doctors in their relationships with the industry.

"The AMA supports the codification of these relationships by other bodies such as the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and now Medicines Australia.

"The AMA believes that increasing transparency of arrangements, including financial, will improve the public's confidence that the relationship that exists between doctors and the industry exists for the patients' benefit and not for individual gratification.

"It's the responsibility of all interested parties to ensure the public interest is met. To achieve this, best quality information regarding prescription medicines must be provided to doctors through the pharmaceutical industry and its representatives.

"The AMA believes that in any association between a doctor not employed by the pharmaceutical industry and the industry itself, the doctor should always maintain professional autonomy, independence and a commitment to scientific methods and such associations should not intrude or distort that primary obligation to the health of patients."

click here to view the AMA Position Statement...


John Flannery  (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Judith Tokley   (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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