
Calls to ensure community water fluoridation

AMA Queensland has urged local councils across Queensland to ensure community water fluoridation after members raised concerns about increasing prevalence and severity of oral disease, particularly among children. We have also written a joint letter with the Australian Dental Association Queensland to the relevant Ministers and all councils.

AMA Queensland has urged local councils across Queensland to ensure community water fluoridation after members raised concerns about increasing prevalence and severity of oral disease, particularly among children. We have also written a joint letter with the Australian Dental Association Queensland (ADAQ) to the relevant Ministers and all councils.

Read the joint letter with ADAQ

Read the letter to Cairns Regional Council

Read the letter to Gympie Regional Council

Responses from local councils

Gympie Regional Council dated 4 October 2024

No decision has been made to remove fluoride from Gympie’s water supply at this present time.

To appropriately inform councillors and the community, a workshop was held on 14 August 2024 (this can be viewed on Council’s website). At Council’s September Ordinary Meeting, a report was brought to Council recommending Council’s fluoridation program continues. This recommendation was not endorsed, and the Council voted for the CEO to bring back to Council a recommended process detailing the best manner in which to seek the community’s input to the continuity of fluoridation in Council’s drinking water or not. This recommendation will be brought back to Council for decision at a date yet to be determined.

Cairns Regional Council dated 21 October 2024

The Mayor and A/CEO thank you for writing to Council regarding the issue of fluoride in the Cairns water supply.

Council acknowledges our community’s, and the wider interest and concerns, on this issue and we appreciate your input.

We will continue reviewing all relevant information and will ensure our community is kept informed should any developments or decisions be made in relation to this matter.

Gladstone Regional Council dated 7 November 2024

In relation to your request regarding Fluoride in the Water, the assessment was completed by the Manager Environment and Conservation who provided the following information:

As you may be aware, as a Local Government, Council can decide as to whether or not fluoride is added to the domestic drinking water supply. 

In July 2016, Council resolved to remove fluoride from the drinking water. Upon release of additional scientific research on the effects of fluoride, this decision was revisited in Council General Meeting on 2 October 2018, and the motion to reintroduce Fluoride was lost.

Given this is the latest Council resolution, there is no planned work regarding reintroducing fluoride into the domestic drinking water supply.

Should you require further assistance please do not hesitate to email respond to my email or call (07) 4970 0700.

We are committed to improving the service you receive from Council. To help us with this we'd really appreciate your feedback. Please click here to access a short survey and let us know what you think.

Noosa Council dated 19 November 2024

Thank you for your letter regarding the dental benefits associated with water fluoridation and your position statement on this matter. Noosa Council is currently in the process of arranging an information session for our Councillors to provide them with a comprehensive understanding of water fluoridation, including its proven benefits in preventing dental decay, as well as any potential health implications that may be associated with its use. Council would like to take up your offer for dentists and doctors to brief our Councillors about this matter.

Could you please advise if suitable representatives would be available to present to Council on 19 December 2024 at a time between 2-5pm?  

Thanks in advance for considering this request, we look forward to your response and the opportunity to engage with the Australian Dental Association Queensland on this important issue.

Mackay Regional Council dated 26 November 2024 [in response to a query by an AMA Queensland member dated 17 November 2024]

Thanks for the letter about fluoride.

With a son as a dentist I am aware of the positive attributes of fluoride.

Health remains the domain of the State Government not Local Government. As an arm of the State our mandate by law is to provide a potable water supply to citizens. If the State decides to legislate an additive to water supplies in Queensland we will of course comply.

Until then this council has a motion on the books that it is not in our mandate to add fluoride to the water supplies delivered by MRC. 

The thrust of the medical fraternity should be aimed clearly at the State Government.

Kind regards,

Mayor Greg Williamson

South Burnett Regional Council dated 3 December 2024

South Burnett Regional Council does not support adding a highly toxic product to the water treatment process, therefore we will not be adding fluoridatiom chemcials [sic] to our local public water supply. 

Read the letter from South Burnett Regional Council

Sunshine Coast Council, Bundaberg Regional Council and Fraser Coast Regional Council also responded via letter. You can read the letters below.

Read the letter from Sunshine Coast Council

Read the letter from Bundaberg Regional Council

Read the letter from Fraser Coast Regional Council

Read the letter from the City of Moreton Bay Council

Responses from state government

Minister for Health and Ambulance Services, Tim Nicholls dated 2 December 2024

I acknowledge your support for Queensland's water fluoridation program and its associated health benefits to Queenslanders, regardless of their age, income, or employment status. I also appreciate the time you have taken in recent months to lobby the local governments in Cairns and Gympie in relation to fluoridation matters.

Whilst the Crisafulli Government is yet to consider if there is need to change the current policy position with respect to water fluoridation, Queensland Health is committed to encouraging local governments to adopt and maintain the provision of water fluoridation as part of a comprehensive approach to improving oral health outcomes. 

Read the letter from Tim Nicholls MP

Letter to the Queensland Government

AMA Queensland and ADAQ dated 15 January 2025

In response to the state government's decision to continue leaving water fluoridation completely up to local councils without providing any financial support, AMA Queensland has written a joint letter with ADAQ to Premier David Crisafulli. 

We encourage the Premier to support the reversal of the 2012 changes that passed on public health responsibilities to local councils. We also suggest that funding be allocated in the 2025 state budget to meet costs to reinstate water fluoridation and to deliver public education campaigns about the efficacy and safety of fluoridated water. 

Read the joint letter with ADAQ

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