
2019 AMA Specialist Trainee Experience Health Check

The AMA Council of Doctors in Training has released its first Specialist Trainee Experience Health Check (STHC) using the results of the 2019 Medical Training Survey (MTS) released in February 2020.  

The 2019 AMA STHC provides a comparison of the speciality training experience between different specialty training pathways and identifies areas of excellent experience as well areas for improvement.  

Improving exam feedback, providing access to mental health services, improving pathways to address bullying, discrimination, and harassment, providing access to study leave, and supporting employment at the end of training are areas where an ongoing commitment at all levels of training is needed to ensure Australia continues to produce highly qualified doctors. 

The AMA hopes that these results will be of value to medical colleges, training institutions and other stakeholders to reflect on their performance against the Australian Medical Council (AMC) standards for specialty education and highlight areas for further improvement. 

The AMA looks forward to building upon the positive and productive relationships it has with colleges and their respective trainee associations to work together to enhance the quality of specialist training for all doctors. 


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