AMA submission to FSANZ Act Review Impact Analysis
The AMA’s submission recommends a Public Health Test and greater recognition of Indigenous people’s food expertise.

The AMA’s submission to the Food Standards Australian and New Zealand (FSANZ) Act Review Impact Analysis consultation, proposes measures to safeguard public health and consumer interests. The AMA is hopeful these measures will be reflected in the next steps for FSANZ Act reform.
Since the review process began in 2021, the AMA has been involved, making a submission to the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) consultation stage. Recently, AMA staff attended consultation sessions, and gave advice at a roundtable organised by the Department of Health and Aged Care.
The AMA has worked alongside The George Institute, Cancer Council, Food Health Alliance, Public Health Association Australia, Cancer Society of NZ, Health Coalition Aotearoa and Dieticians Australia, helping to pull together a streamlined response to the Impact Analysis.
In the submission, the AMA raises concerns that the Impact Analysis and reform options do not adequately explain ‘how’ public health and safety will be better considered by FSANZ. The inclusion of a Public Health Test in the Act to outline how public health will be better considered within the work undertaken by FSANZ, is strongly recommended.
Another element of the Impact Analysis, that the AMA tentatively supports is FSANZ giving greater recognition of Indigenous food expertise in the Act. The AMA recommends that specific consultation with First Nations and Māori people and experts needs to be undertaken as a matter of priority to ensure that proposed changes to the Act incorporate Indigenous culture and expertise.