Update on COVID-19 Vaccination Program in 2023
Primary Care has played a pivotal role in the success of the COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out Program.

Primary Care’s continuing participation in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout is vital to the success of keeping everyone in Australia safe during the pandemic.
The Federal Government has approved an extension of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program funding which continues to support the role of primary care providers in the administration of COVID-19 vaccines. For the next 12 months, COVID-19 vaccines will continue to be principally administered in primary care settings with targeted support for those unable to engage with traditional primary care or attend primary care settings.
In 2023 COVID-19 vaccines will remain free for everyone in Australia with the ongoing requirement for the services to be bulk billed/free of co-payment:
COVID-19 Vaccine Program
From 1 February 2023, the current arrangements will be streamlined and simplified to continue to support primary care in delivering vaccinations with a far less complex system of MBS items.
Existing MBS items supporting COVID‑19 vaccination will be extended unchanged until 31 January 2023 to support the transition into the new items.
The existing COVID-19 vaccine remote supervision MBS items will be maintained.
An increased flag fall item will continue to support in-reach vaccinations for aged care and disability care residents by primary care vaccination providers. The existing PIP in-reach incentive will be extended until 31 January 2023 to cover the transition period prior to the flagfall increase.
The Vulnerable Vaccination Program will be extended to 31 December 2023 to enable PHNs to continue to develop and implement innovative, short‑term COVID-19 vaccination activities, tailored to the needs of priority populations in their regions. This will enable PHNs to continue to partner with primary care vaccination provider, local organisations and service providers to ensure that no one is left behind.
You can find further information on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in 2023 including access to PCR testing on the Department of Health website here and here.