
Upgrades for digital and aged care claiming channels – update from Services Australia

The AMA is working with Services Australia to ensure you are prepared for the upgrades to digital health and aged care channels.  

These upgrades will take effect from 13 March 2022.  

We want to make sure you know how these upgrades will impact you, and that you are ready before the March 2022 deadline. 

What claiming channels are being upgraded? 

The following channels are being upgraded to web services:  

  • Medicare Online (Including AIR and DVA): This is the digital claiming channel used to submit claims and data to Services Australia. It is usually integrated within practice management software. It includes access to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA).  
  • Electronic Claim Lodgement and Information Processing Service Environment (ECLIPSE): This is an extension of Medicare Online and provides a secure connection for communication and in hospital claiming lodgement between health professionals, day hospitals, public and private hospitals, private health insurers, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and Services Australia. It also offers providers direct communication with Services Australia and private health insurers in the one transaction. 
  • Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Online: This is the digital claiming channel used to submit PBS claims and data to Services Australia.  
  • Aged Care Online/Web Services: This is a new digital channel that can be used by aged care providers to submit claims and data to Services Australia. 

In addition to the upgrade to web services, Services Australia is moving the authentication from PKI technology to Provider Digital Access (PRODA).  

PRODA is an online authentication system that verifies an organisation or individuals’ identity online allowing secure access to multiple government online services. 

Why are there upgrades?  

These upgrades will ensure digital health and aged care claiming channels are stable and using up-to-date industry standard technology. They will ensure that patient and provider information is secure, now and into the future.  

What are your next steps? 

  1. Contact your software developer now to find out when they will have their web services software available. Confirm when they plan to upgrade your software. You will need to ensure they are able to upgrade your software to web services before the March 2022 deadline.   

  1. Download ‘Factsheet 1 - Web Services Medicare Online, DVA, AIR, ECLIPSE & PRODA’. This will provide detailed instructions on what you can do now to prepare for web services.  

Learn more on how to prepare for web services, and download the ‘Web Services eKit’ here.   

More information is available here

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