
Heart failure: how a team approach can optimise patient care – free webinar

GPs may be interested in a free webinar hosted by NPS MedicineWise, where a GP, heart failure nurse practitioner, accredited pharmacist and a person living with heart failure discuss case studies that demonstrate the benefits of working together as a team. 

Panel members will consider several case scenarios that demonstrate the integral role different health professionals can play as part of a person-centred multidisciplinary team. And how this approach remains central to improving the lives of people living with heart failure. 

Discussion will cover pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies for heart failure management, including initiation and up-titration of heart failure medicines, the role of home-medicines reviews and patient action-plans.  

When: Tuesday 31 August 2021 

Time: 7 – 8pm AEST 

Register here.  

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