
Take the AMA’s survey on PHNs

Nearly 400 GPs have already completed the AMA’s Primary Health Network (PHN) survey. We want to know about your experiences with your local PNH, with the survey closing COB Tuesday 6 June 2017.

Your answers will help to support our advocacy on this important issue.

The AMA has strongly campaigned for improved support for GPs, including advocating for ways that the Government’s 31 PHNs might support your work across the country.

In previous years, AMA member feedback was highly critical of many of the former Medicare Locals, particularly in relation to their engagement with GPs and the extent to which many had failed to help improve patient access to primary care services.

It is now close to two years since PHNs were first established and around three and a half years since the AMA last surveyed GPs asking for feedback about the former Medicare Locals. It is now time to see what, if anything, has changed since the establishment of PHNs.

The Department of Health has commenced an ongoing evaluation of PHNs and your responses will help shape the AMA’s input into this evaluation as well as our broader discussions with Government about primary care policies.

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. It takes only a few minutes to complete and the results will be kept anonymous. 

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