
Organ and tissue donation and transplantation

The AMA recently released an updated Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Position Statement, encouraging individuals to consider their views on donation and discuss it with their family. The AMA supports organ and tissue donation: one organ and tissue donor can help more than 10 people.

Organ and tissue donation has a positive impact on the healthcare system says AMA President, Dr Michael Gannon, and is cost-effective compared to the expense of providing ongoing treatment for those on waiting lists.

“By increasing Australia’s rate of organ and tissue donation, more individuals and their families have the chance to benefit from life-enhancing and life-saving transplants,” he said.

GPs have a central role in discussing the importance of organ and tissue donation with their patients.

“GPs also need appropriate professional education and awareness to carry out their role of raising awareness about organ donation with patients. The AMA encourages every Australian, regardless of age, to think about becoming a donor.”

The AMA supports appropriate professional education for GPs, who are likely to be in a prime position to respond to patient questions.

Full Media Release

Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Position Statement

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