
New ADF post-discharge GP health assessment

All former serving members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) can now access a comprehensive GP health assessment.

This assessment is available to all former serving members of either the permanent or reserve forces. It is funded under the health assessment items 701, 703, 705 and 707 on the Medicare Benefits Schedule.

One of the key objectives of this assessment is help GPs in identifying and diagnosing the early onset of physical and/or mental health problems among former serving ADF members. In supporting this, OVA has worked with Flinders University, Discipline of General Practice to design a specific ADF Post-discharge GP Health Assessment Tool.

In an effort to help former serving members of the ADF and their GP act on any issues before they become major problems, this tool assists the GP to assess their patient's current physical and psychological wellbeing. The tool includes specific screening tools for alcohol use, substance use, posttraumatic stress disorder and psychological distress, as well as information on how to access other DVA services that their patient may be eligible for.

This assessment tool has been incorporated into the Best Practice and Medical
Director practice software packages. Where these software packages aren't available, GPs can access the tool on the DVA At Ease Professional website (

For further information on the assessment or to find more resources, treatment options, patient resources or the latest research, please visit DVA's At Ease Professional website (

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