
Medical Journal of Australia and Insight+ returns in 2020

New articles are now available in the AMA’s publications Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) and Insight+.

In the MJA, an article discusses methods to achieve greater clinician engagement and impact in health care quality and safety improvement. The authors outline that greater engagement of health practitioners in optimising care increases professional satisfaction and reduces burnout, and that engaged workplaces often report reductions in indicators such as mortality rates, falls and infections, and increased patient satisfaction.

Insight+ covers a wide range hot topics in medicine, including facts about the new mandatory notification changes and the possible legal consequences for the notifying doctor; the impact of the new Workplace Safety Legislation Amendment Bill (2019) that ensures workers have the right to work in a physically and psychologically safe workplace; and complexities surrounding patients refusing treatment that may prolong their life, but at a cost to their quality of life.

AMA Position Statements related to this content include Workplace Bulling and Harassment 2009. Revised 2015 and End of Life Care and Advance Care Planning 2014.

AMA members have free access to all MJA and Insight+ content.

Read the latest issue of MJA here.

Read the latest issue of Insight+ here.

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