
ePIP shared health summary compliance

Some general practices may this week have received letters from the Department of Health (DoH) advising that they have not met their ePIP shared health summary (SHS) upload requirements for one or more quarters over the period 1 May 2016 to 31 October 2017. Only those practices who are the subject to this compliance activity will have received a letter from the Department.

Practices that were affected by ex-tropical cyclone Debbie and did not receive correspondence on 21 April 2017 as well as those practices that have recently provided their HPI-O and been identified as non-compliant may receive correspondence relating to up to 6 quarters of ePIP activity.

The approach that was taken to the first three quarters where practices that met more than 50 per cent of their upload requirements was that practice is only required to repay the proportion of the uploads that they did not meet. This approach will continue to be applied to these newly identified non-compliant practices for the first three quarters only.

Practices who received correspondence in relation to quarters 4, 5 and 6 will be required to repay any ePIP payments made in full.

Practices that have been identified as operating under a shared database arrangement will also soon be contacted and asked to provide evidence of the number of uploads from each practice to allow compliance to be determined.

Practices experiencing ongoing technical issues beyond the practice’s control which have prevented them from meeting their SHS upload quota should request an exemption by emailing the DoH at Once a practice receives a confirmation email that their request has been received they should be reassured that the Department is reviewing their case. However, practices need to be aware that this might take some time.

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