
AMA Submission to Draft RACGP Standards for Point of Care Testing

The AMA continues to advocate for point of care testing (PoCT) when these services are conducted within an appropriate quality framework to ensure patient safety. In a submission to the RACGP's consultation on their draft Standards for point of care testing the AMA has reiterated this argument.

While it is promising that the College has made progress with the development of these standards, which are crucial to the broader adoption of PoCT in general practice, the AMA has made a number of suggestions to improve the standards.

The AMA is keen to continue to work with the RACGP in the development of these standards, to ensure that the standards for point of care testing are applicable and relevant for general practices who wish to also be accredited against this module in addition to being accredited against the RACGP Standards for general practices.

AMA Submission to Draft RACGP Standards for Point of Care Testing.

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