
AMA slams pharmacist pain management trial

The Federal Government recently announced $20 million in funding for the Pain Meds Check trial which will involve pharmacists managing chronic pain. The trial includes the reviewing of medical regimens and the creation of action plans for patients.

This trial was not raised previously with the AMA – or any other doctors’ group – and was developed by the Pharmacy Guild and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. Concerns have been raised about fragmentation and duplication of care as well as the likelihood of poorer patient care and outcomes through such a scheme.

AMA President, Dr Michael Gannon, quickly took to Twitter stating:

“Sorry @GregHuntMP. It's wrong. Another slap in the face for GPs, the real community health experts. Time to face #Opioidcrisis, shift focus to non-drug solu'ns. What underlying cause of pain? Is pt depressed? Physio? Relax'n techniqs? Massage? Answer not always in a pill #auspol”

Following up-scheduling of codeine on 1 February 2018, there is a wealth of resources for health professionals managing pain in patients:

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