Australian Medical Association Seeks Mardi Gras Participants!

Free to be HEALTHY!

mardi gras transparent

We are now looking for AMA Mardi Gras parade participants! 

Criteria for appointment 

EoIs from interested participants should be able to demonstrate the following attributes:    

  • Involvement with LGBTQIASB+ community 

  • Capacity and availability to contribute to the parade on Saturday March 1, 2025 

To ensure the diverse experiences of LGBTQIASB+ AMA Members in Australia are represented in the Mardi Gras participants, appointments will reflect the diversity the AMA membership including genders, geography (including rurality), and practice group, as well as identifying as a member of the LGBTQIASB+ community.  

We strongly encourage applications from underrepresented groups, including members who are transgender and gender diverse, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, International Medical Graduates, and those with disabilities.    

The AMA will pay for registration and costumes/props related to the participation, but travel and accommodation if needed must be organized and paid for by participants themselves.   

EoIs consisting of no more than 400 words and a current CV can be submitted via email to  

The closing date for nominations is: COB Wednesday 18 December

AMA NSW and AMA Queensland members please note that participation nomination is being run directly through your states.

The Australian Medical Association is a diverse organisation, representing all parts of the profession. This diversity extends to the cultures and communities of those we represent.  

The AMA’s acceptance to participate in the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras (SGLMG) 2025 will be an opportunity for the organisation to strongly advocate on the principles of health equity and access. It will be a chance to engage the AMA membership and show public support for bettering the health and wellbeing of LGBTQIASB+ doctors and patients.   

A Mardi Gras Working Group has been formed to include AMA and AMSA members from the LGBTQIASB+ community in the process, and to ensure the application was in line with broader AMA advocacy.   

The working group has:   

  • aassisted in drafting the AMA’s Mardi Gras application,   

  • decided on a theme for AMA’s parade float in accordance with the 2025 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Theme and   

  • will identify and approve participants for the AMA float, ensuring connection to the LGBTQIASB+ medical community.