National Doctors Health and Wellbeing Leadership Alliance
AMACDT Chair Dr Hannah Szewczyk represented doctor training members at the inaugural meeting of the National Doctors Health and Wellbeing Leadership Alliance (NLA) on 14 April.

During a full day face-to-face workshop held in Canberra it was agreed that the purpose of the NLA is to facilitate coordinated action and accountability across the medical sector, to oversee the implementation and monitoring of the Every Doctor, Every Setting Framework. The NLA represents a coalition of over twenty-one key and influential industry organisations taking co-ordinated action on doctor's health and wellbeing.
In his opening address, NLA Chair and AMA President, Prof Steve Robson shared his own personal mental health journey and the importance of consistent, sector wide support that spans the entire lifecycle of medical professionals, to ensure it encapsulates every doctor, in every setting.
The NLA discussed the inclusion of key elements of AMACDT’s wellbeing advocacy within the NLA Action Plan. These encompass strengthening the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards to incorporate psychosocial safety, and increasing hospital and health service boards and senior management accountability and responsibility for providing a safe psychosocial work environment through legislative changes. AMACDT consistently advocates for the wellbeing of all healthcare professionals especially doctors in training.
The work of the NLA will continue to formulate a National Doctors Health and Wellbeing Action Plan. The next meeting is scheduled to be held in early June 2023.
Every Doctor, Every Setting: Implementation of a National Framework received grant funding from the Australian Government and is administered and provided support by the DRS4DRS Health Service.
Drs4Drs supports a network of doctors who provide independent, safe, confidential, and free supportive services to other doctors. If you would like to know more about Drs4Drs services or would like to speak with one of our doctors, visit