
Boundaries research survey 

Doctors in Training are encouraged to participate in a short survey exploring everyday boundary challenges with patients and colleagues as a source of stress in medical students and doctors. The study titled ‘Boundary Crossings as a Risk to Patient Health and Professional Longevity in Medicine: Identifying Training and Support Needs to Better Educate Medical Students and Doctors’ is seeking to understand how often such challenges are encountered, how much stress they cause, and how well prepared for and confident doctors and students feel in managing these situations.   

The findings are expected to inform educational initiatives in medical school and continuing professional development. The study is being conducted by Assoc Prof Lisa Lampe, Mr Trent Hammond, Mrs Rita Hitching, and Ms Jeannie Park from the School of Medicine and Public Health in the College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing at The University of Newcastle. The study has been funded by the Avant Foundation. The anonymous 20-minute online survey and further information about the study can be found here.