
AMA (NSW): Planning - Strategic Priorities for 2022

The AMA (NSW) Doctors-in-Training Committee is holding a DIT Executive Planning Day on 5 February to discuss strategic priorities for 2022. Key issues for the DITC include doctor wellbeing and bullying and harassment. Both areas have been highlighted in AMA (NSW)’s 2021 Hospital Health Check survey and reflect challenges felt by our senior doctors as well.

Plans for the 2022 Hospital Health Check are also underway. Since it was launched in 2017, the results have provided an excellent platform for advocacy, and we are looking at new ways to extract the data to further this work. The DITC will also examine the presentation of results, to see if changes made last year made the survey more accessible for DITs and if there are other ways to present the data to its best advantage.

AMA (NSW) is launching its DIT Pay Guide on 10 February. This resource aims to help DITs better understand what they should be paid and why. We will be hosting a Facebook Live session on the AMA (NSW) Facebook page and the resource will be made available on our website.

Lastly, AMA (NSW) held its annual O Week outreach to interns in January. This year, we opted to do virtual presentations in hospitals rather than face to face, in recognition that our primary goal is to keep doctors safe and healthy. We are looking forward to connecting with this cohort IRL when it is safe to do so.

The first DITC meeting will be held this year on 17 February. For more information email

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