
AMACDT discusses review of national intern framework

AMACDT met with Australian Medical Council representatives on 4 July 2020 to discuss the review of the National Framework for Medical Internship including developing entrustable professional activities in four domains, strengthening supervisor training, supporting the registrar supervisor role, and developing e-portfolio specifications to support longitudinal learning.

The Framework was developed by the AMC, on behalf of the Medical Board of Australia, to complement new national registration requirements implemented in 2014. The national framework sets standards and provides guidance for intern terms, outcomes and assessment linked to the General registration standard as well as national expectations concerning the accreditation of intern terms and posts.  

The AMC formally consulted on the scope of the review in October and November of 2019. The AMAs response to the proposed scope of the review is here. An update on the review, including the confirmed scope is here. With the scope now confirmed, the project is moving into the review and development phase. Amendments made to review processes considering COVID-19 are also outlined. 

The AMCs presentation to the AMACDT can be accessed here.

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