
AMACDT meets in Canberra

The AMA Council of Doctors in Training (AMACDT) met in Canberra on 26-27 October 2019. State and Territory AMA doctor in training members, the Federal Vice President and newly appointed Secretary General, attended the meeting to discuss current and emerging issues in medical education and training. CDT passed several key policy documents on clinical academic medicine, doctor health and wellbeing, clinical support time, and social media and medical professionalism, which will go to the November meeting of the AMA Federal Council for approval. These will be released once approved.  

Other key matters discussed included: 

The 2019 Medical Training Survey (MTS). The MTS results will build the first comprehensive, national picture of the strengths and weaknesses of medical training across states, territories and medical specialities in Australia. 

The Medical Board of Australia’s professional performance framework. At its meeting, Dr Anne Tonkin, Chair, Medical Board of Australia, presented on the Professional Performance Framework and discussed options for doctors in training to participate in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements.  

Progress on the National Medical Workforce Strategya recommendation from the AMA Medical workforce and training summit in 2018.  

Progressing GP registrar single employer model. AMA has been supportive of a single employer model for rural generalists but has expressed strong preference for this to apply across GP training. In view of the latter, AMACDT passed a motion in support of single employer arrangements applying to all GP registrars. 

Campaigning on equity of access to parental leave. Council was supportive of an AMA campaign in support of equity of access to parental leave.  

Intern training framework consultation. The Australian Medical Council (AMC) is undertaking a review of the National Framework for Medical Internship and is formally consulting on the proposed scope of the review for 6 weeks until 29 November 2019. The AMACDT will be making a submission to this review. 

Development of a DiT member strategy. AMACDT has commenced work on a DiT member engagement strategy for discussion at its meeting in March 2020.  

Email CDT Chair, Dr Tessa Kennedy to find out more about any of these items at  

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