
2018 AMC-MBA Preparedness for Internship Survey

The 2018 Australian Medical Council (AMC)-Medical Board of Austraila (MBA) Preparedness for Internship survey was sent to all interns in Australia in August 2018 and will be open until mid-September. This year the AMC is also planning to hold focus groups with supervisors to hear their perspectives on the areas of strength and for development in interns’ preparedness. They are working with postgraduate medical council contacts in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney and would like to engage with Directors of Clinical Training, Medical Education Organisers (or equivalent) and day to day supervisors with high numbers of interns. Supervisors who are interested in participating in the focus groups can contact the AMC directly at

The Preparedness for Internship survey is designed to find out how work-ready interns feel after medical school and improve how medical schools prepare graduates for internship.This is the second year the survey has been run. The AMC is using feedback from interns received in the 2017 survey to drive the scope of its reviews of medical school accreditation standards and the National Internship Framework. Medical schools, intern training accreditation authorities and intern training providers are also using feedback from the 2017 survey to support the transition from medical school to internship.

The survey is online, voluntary and anonymous. Privacy and confidentiality are guaranteed.

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