
National training survey – it’s time

Dr Alistair Park represented AMACDT at a workshop to scope the feasibility of introducing a national training survey held in Melbourne on 25 August 2016. The AMA has led the way on advocating for a national training survey over the past four years and is very pleased that this has been one of the major recommendations coming out of the recent AHMAC review of medical internships.

One of the key recommendations from the intern review was to identify the requirements for, and possible approaches to a national training survey to capture ongoing performance data, within 1-2 years.

“A NTS is essential if we are serious about improving the quality and relevance of medical training and supervision, improving workplace culture and informing workforce policy and planning. An NTS will streamline current survey process - good news for trainees, employers and training providers – and provide real time feedback from trainees and trainers about what’s working well in training and what needs to be improved,” said Dr Park.

“There was a lot of support in the room for a NTS and we are confident that we will see progress in this area soon.”

A similar survey is run in the UK and provides meaningful data to track progress and inform change in medical education and training. The UK national training survey occurs annually, with a take-up rate of close to 100%. It publishes trainee evaluation of training terms from foundation through to vocational training and is available online.

General Medical Council National Training Survey

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