
AMA Victoria’s Pledge to doctors in training

Earlier this year, AMA Victoria launched Setting the Standard, a strategy to overcome bullying, discrimination and harassment in the medical profession. This Standard sets the benchmark for expected workplace behaviour.

“A key part of this is the AMA Victoria Assurance – a pledge of respect and fairness. The Pledge empowers us all to raise our standard of behaviour, to change the culture in medicine, and to no longer tolerate unacceptable behaviour as the norm. It will also help our community to recognise those that stand against unacceptable behaviour, giving confidence and trust” said Dr John Zorbas, Chair, AMACDT.

AMA Victoria’s First Response Telephone Service will be available to all doctors as a first point of reference for information on bullying, discrimination and harassment, and the next steps forward.

AMACDT commends the work that AMA Victoria is doing to tackle bullying and harassment in the workplace. Take the time to read Setting the Standard and the Pledge, support it, and share it with your colleagues. It is time for change.

The Standard and Pledge is the result of the summit held by AMA Victoria with the support of the Minister for Health on 21 November 2015, to develop a strategy to bring about cultural change in the medical profession. The summit was attended by doctors, medical students, hospital administrators, representatives of Colleges, medical authorities and government officials.

Setting the standard

The Pledge

AMA Victoria’s First Response Telephone Service

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