
Prevention, early intervention and resolution of training disputes

The AMA Council of Doctors in Training (AMACDT) recently attended a workshop on prevention, early intervention and resolution of training disputes in Sydney on 15 June. The workshop was run by Avant in response to an increasing number of complaints made by trainees about failure to progress through or complete accredited college training programs. Resolving these matters can be challenging for everyone involved including trainees, supervisors, colleges and employers.

“One of the key themes arising from the workshop is the need to better support trainees and supervisors to achieve the common goal of a well-trained medical workforce”, said Dr Danielle McMullen, Chair, AMANSW DiTC.

AMACDT will discuss the outcomes of the workshop in more detail when it meets at the end of July. This includes implications for AMACDT policy development and advocacy in the areas of examination and assessment, workplace flexibility, protected teaching time and a national training survey.

Read more about the Avant workshop

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